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May 30, 2004


I've never been too fond of Islamic fundamentalists. I think it's because of their unrelenting attempts to kill Americans, a group to which I belong. However, there is one place where Islamic fundamentalists and I find common ground: THE EXTREME DANGER OF ROTARY CLUBS.

It's only recently that I discovered Islamists and I are brothers in arms in this holy cause. I was reading "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants" -- a 180-page manual discovered in the home of a British follower of Osama bin Laden -- and came across this encouraging section:

After the fall of our orthodox caliphates on March 3, 1924... Colonialism and its followers, the apostate rulers, then started to openly erect crusader centers, societies, and organizations like Masonic Lodges, Lions and Rotary Clubs...

You might ask: why are Islamists obsessed with Rotary Clubs? Well, that's a stupid question. It's like asking ask why I'M obsessed with them. The important thing is, both Islamists and I recognize the terrible peril posed by Rotarians.

For instance, here are sections from the founding charter of Hamas:

The enemies... take on all sorts of names and shapes such as: the Free Masons, Rotary Clubs, gangs of spies and the like. All of them are nests of saboteurs and sabotage...

They also used the money to establish clandestine organizations which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests. Such organizations are: the Free Masons, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, B'nai B'rith and the like...

The Zionist invasion... relies to a great extent, for its meddling and spying activities, on the clandestine organizations which it has established, such as the Free Masons, Rotary Clubs, Lions, and other spying associations.

Then there's this:

Throughout 1995 the [Egyptian] pro-government religious weekly, Aqidati, published numerous articles citing the Talmud and other sources to document Israeli "take-over schemes." In June 1995, one writer claimed the Jews established the Rotary clubs "to humiliate Christian and Islamic nations."

Now, I realize that Rotary Clubs were not established by Zionism or "the Jews." As anyone familiar with the subject knows, Rotary Clubs were established by the filthy Zoroastrians. Who are the Zoroastrians? I'm not sure, but I believe they worship Zoro.

Also, I'm a little concerned with the Islamist focus on Freemasons. True, we Freemasons are constantly striving for world domination, but the good kind.

However, these are small details that can be overlooked as Islamists and I struggle together against the mighty foe of ROTARIANISM.

INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT UPDATE: I'm pleased to report a Saudi textbook recognizes the danger of the vicious, swine-eating, socks-wearing Rotarians. This is from "Hadith and Islamic Culture," for use in 10th grade:

The Destructive Movements Used by Zionism for the Realization of Its Goals [include] the Rotary Clubs. They were established in 1905 in Chicago in America and later spread to all parts of the world.

This textbook also describes people taking important ACTIONS to prevent Rotarianism from infecting our precious bodily preciousness. We need more heroes like this willing to fight! fight! fight!

The Islamic Juristic Assembly in Mecca headed by the late Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamid passed in its session of 10.8.1398 AH, corresponding to 15.7.1978 CE, a legal ruling which determined that Freemasonry and the clubs that belonged to it, such as the Lyons and Rotary, are among the destructive organizations that were most dangerous to Islam...

The Fatwa Committee in the noble al-Azhar [leading Islamic institution, Cairo] issued a proclamation on 15.5.1985 forbidding membership in these clubs (Rotary) or participation therein, because they are among the most dangerous and destructive organizations which work for the benefit of Freemasonry and are controlled by Jews and Zionists.

HOWEVER -- the forces of good (ie, we anti-Rotarians) appear to have suffered a terrible defeat in Iraq. See this mention of Al Hawza, the newspaper of Moqtada al-Sadr, in the New Yorker:

Al Hawza... reprinted photographs of President Bush and President Clinton holding up their index and pinkie fingers; the accompanying article offered the images as evidence of a Zionist-Masonic conspiracy.

Do you see? We had counted on al-Sadr as a valiant ally in the battle against Rotary Clubs. YET HIS NEWSPAPER MAKES NO MENTION OF OUR ENEMY!!! We cannot afford to be distracted by the Zionist-Masonic conspiracy. As I mentioned previously, we Masons are aiming for the good kind of eternal global domination.

Let the word go forth: YOU ARE EITHER WITH US OR AGAINST US. And if al-Sadr is not with us in the Fight For A Rotarian-Free Universe, he is therefore an even greater enemy than the Rotarians themselves and must be obliterated AT ALL COSTS.


Leaving the little jokes aside, I am genuinely curious about this bizarre fixation of Islamists on Rotary Clubs. Does anyone know where this comes from? I'm not surprised by the anti-Semitism and anti-Masonry, since these are classic beliefs of the insane. But how did Rotary Clubs and the Lions come into it?

Also, why have the Elks and Shriners been left out? It seems somehow unfair.

Posted at May 30, 2004 12:30 PM | TrackBack

I think they look at the commonalities between the clubs and assume that the Rotarians and Lions, which have chapters in the Middle East and are therefore heard of and known, must be kinda like the Masons in that they have induction ceremonies. The Lions actually are pretty active here in Egypt. Guess they don't have this memo that they are a Zionist plot.

Posted by: Anna in Cairo at May 31, 2004 06:09 AM


Very interesting, thanks. Have you ever heard anyone speak about Rotary Clubs (or Lions, or Masons) as somehow behind US/Israeli foreign policy?

I can't decide which is crazier -- these beliefs about Rotary Clubs, or standard American beliefs about the Middle East. Maybe it's a tie.

It's also hard to say which are funnier. Of course, both would be more amusing if they didn't involve lots of people dying.

Posted by: Jonathan Schwarz at May 31, 2004 08:49 AM

No, I have not heard anything sinister about the Lions, though I have heard a lot of conspiracy theories involving the Masons, but like you said that is not new nor is it specific to the Middle East. Once, I cared enough to argue with people about it. Now, I really don't have the energy.

You are right that it would be just plain ha ha funny if the people who believed it were not capable of blowing things up.

Posted by: Anna in Cairo at June 2, 2004 02:05 AM

As President of the RC Brussels Coudenberg we try to start a first Rotary Club in Muscat Oman. This would be the first club in the Gulf created by local professionnals, not by expats (as in Dubai). One member of our Brussels Club has good contacts in Oman. This operation takes a lot of time and there is a great discusssion inside the Oman ruling class in order to admit this club and how. They are willing to do so, but your article throws a new light on the complexity of the reasonings behind such a discussion, complexity we are in fact not always aware of.

Posted by: Frans De Keyser at June 2, 2004 03:59 AM

W. Kiernan,

I don't appreciate your "joke" about THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE FACING HUMANKIND. All I can say is, when the Rotarians come for you, and are Rotating you without mercy, don't ask for help from we in the anti-Rotary underground.


I understand what you say about not having the energy. Crazy people the world over are exhausting. I wish we could send them all to their own little planet. Then they could happily blow each other up for all eternity, leaving us here in peace.


Thanks for this extremely interesting information about Oman, Dubai, etc. I've become so curious about this subject I may write something about it for a real publication. If so, I'll probably be in touch with you directly to discuss it further if you have time.

In the meantime... what ARE Rotary Clubs, exactly? What is it you do, besides secretly ruling the world? All I know about Rotary Clubs is that one sponsored my baseball team when I was nine.

Speaking of which, I'd appreciate it if you and your Rotarian comrades would stop controlling my mind.

Posted by: Jonathan Schwarz at June 2, 2004 09:45 AM

Probably someone somewhere was rejected for membership in a Rotary Club. What have you found on Skull and Bones?
You know, when I got out of high school and had no plans and not a clue, I wanted to go live in Europe for a year, so I talked to the local Rotary Club and they exchanged me with an Italian kid who wanted to live in the US for a year. We thus established dark connections between two infidel lands.

Posted by: David Swanson at June 5, 2004 01:57 PM

as far as i have read,masonism was born in israel.there was a mason and his workers.the mason teaches his workers some phylosophy.and they become a lodge,a community.then they begin to spread in to the world.according to many comments,masonism or rotarianism(i dont think they are different things,they involve in eachother.they just find different names to seem like a new thing to escape from grudge)is a jewish sect.their goal is to spread jewism and to take the control of the world.nobody can refuse iraq's occupation has no tie with this phylosophies.israel,iraq and aphganistan are taken by zionists.syria and iran are in a great forces have bases in qatar,which is so strategic.and they also have bases in turkey and even in saudi arabia's syria and iran are in the middle of a zionist circle.they obey whatever they are told to do.but sooner or later they will have to defend their countries against occupiers.syria would give up easily but iran is stronger.after those i doubt occupiers will start looking at turkey for gold and boron resources.and they have a big opportunity for them:nearly10million kurds in it was done in iraq,ignorant kurds could be american servants.they can be fooled easily since they are so ignorant and they are promised for independent kurdistan including southeast of turkey,north of syria,north of iraq and north of iran.and usa will reach its goal by establishing this country which is totally under its control.usa wont let them real independence.and when kurds realize their resources are exploited by usa,and when they notice they have been fooled,it will be too late.they will be even poorer and more ignorant than they are now.some kurdish dads will live in welfare but their sons,grandchilds will suffer because of their stupidity.usa never works for somebody's good,but for his own good.and european countries dont have to think this will never spread to has already spreaded and the turn will be europe after middle east is taken.we see european people are more sensible and they protest occupations much more than muslim countries.since muslim countries are fighting against poverty,they cant think of bigger matters.they just think of saving the day.but in muslim countries,people have become much more sensible to this topic from the occupations.millions of people dont drink cocacola,dont go to mc donalds,try not to use american goods as much as they things are going better.every bad thing,has a goodness.these occupations caused middleeast people to wake up from american dream.i hope these torture will never be forgotten.muslim,christian,budist,totemist or anything doesnt matter.zionism is all the world's enemy.people who have profit of zionism are not more than 2or3million.they even steal the money of american people.they fool american people.they will lose american people's support sooner or later.people in usa will learn the truth.they will notice not everything is like they are told by their press,tv channels,newspapers,hollywood is used as a weapon by increase their supporters,and to hide their cruelty.but there is something called internet.and people can share their opinions with eachother.and anybody can learn anything.thanks to internet.

Posted by: said at June 19, 2004 10:28 AM


Thanks for the comment. Please get back in touch as soon as your brain stops malfunctioning.

Posted by: Jonathan Schwarz at July 18, 2004 07:33 PM

Free masons have nothing to do with masonry.Literaly. Haven't any of you heard about The Knights Templars? Don't you have a clue about how masonry came about? Then do your homework before coming to conclusions about the issue. Also, read Jewish Supremacism by David Duke. The Americans especially need to be aware of what's happening to their country.
And jonathan, muslims are not out to destroy america or americans. They do not have a problem with freedom or democracy. If they did, they would have long waged war on icland and switzerland and many other long standing democratic nations of the world. But they don't. They only have a problem with america's foriegn policy that supports israel. And they have there reasons. You would too if you were a palestinian driven out of your homeland and land of your ancestors. If only people would try and make an effort to understand why people do what they do this world would be a much better place.

Posted by: Z-Kay at October 13, 2004 02:59 AM

As a member of Rotary, I can help out with what exactly it is (but not the bizarre fascination with it you've highlighted!).

Rotary is basically a fellowship and service organisation - a group of professionals who get together weekly and think of ways to serve the community. This can be internationally or locally, and it could be building a school library, digging a well, running a debating competition, holding a fundraising night, volunteering at a local shelter, awarding a scholarship, whatever they like. They also have an emphasis on meeting new people, and a lot of their programmes aim to promote global friendship and understanding.

On a global scale, here's an example of what the organisation does: Rotary is the only private agency to be involved with the eradication of polio. After 20 years, $500 million, and thousands of volunteers, there are only six countries left in the world not polio-free, and it's estimated that in another 4 years it will be gone altogether. Which is a pretty great achievement.

Rotary organises large-scale ongoing responses to the tsunami, the earthquake in Pakistan, and aid in Africa... but it's different from aid agencies in that its made up of local people in every area - so there are members on the ground from towns in Kashmir and Pakistan (doctors, accountants, shopkeepers, teachers) who work with other members around the world to bring in resources and funding for the area.

There are Rotary clubs in 167 countries now, including Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Egypt and Kyrgyzstan, and as a secular organisation it has members of every major world religion. It's an easy-going kind of charitable group and it's very transparent, so for more info see

I've heard a few people lump it in with the Stonemasons (including my mother when I first joined!) but I think that's just because its a group of people who meet up and have badges. Or something.

Posted by: Riona at January 18, 2006 10:07 AM