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November 04, 2005

New Bush Impeachment Poll

Check out the new After Downing Street impeachment poll. Or if you refuse to visit any website but this one, here are some highlights:

• 53% of Americans agree with this statement, with 42% disagreeing:

"If President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should consider holding him accountable through impeachment."

• According to a new ABC poll, 55% of Americans believe the Bush administration "intentionally misled" the nation in making the case for war.

• Comparable polls in August and September 1998 found only 36% supported hearings to consider impeaching Clinton, and only 26% supported actually impeaching Clinton and removing him from office.

• (one of the members of the After Downing Street coalition) has launched Impeach Pac, a political action committee trying to raise $100,000 for 2006 candidates who'll promise to support the impeachment of Bush and Cheney.

Posted at November 4, 2005 01:12 PM | TrackBack

"According to a new ABC poll, 55% of Americans believe the Bush administration "intentionally misled" the nation in making the case for war."

Does that mean 45% think Mr. Preznit "accidentally misled" the nation? Or are 45% of the people suffering from a lack of oxygen-bearing blood cells in the brain due to the stricture of the anal sphincter?

Posted by: cavjam at November 4, 2005 02:25 PM

thnx for posting this jonathon - and congrats for the froomkin shoutout!

Posted by: lukery at November 4, 2005 10:47 PM

My problem with impeaching Bush is not that he's unworthy of that being attached to his record. Clearly he is, in spades. But:

1. after MonicaGate, what does impeachment actually mean, anyway? The moral weight of impeachment has essentially been rendered null, for, I don't know...20, 30 years?

2. if the nation, or the human race, for that matter, had a district attorney, would we want that D.A. to go after the puppet or the puppetmasters, using the puppet to get to them?

2B.And if we settle for impeaching puppets, aren't we playing right into their hands?

Maybe it doesn't actually work that way-- maybe George, Jr has been charting his own course. I imagine we'll never find out.

Posted by: Jonathan Versen at November 5, 2005 10:44 PM


Bush is having trouble finding an ethics teacher among top Republicans. He thought of Rove but he's been caught lying. He thought of Libby but he's been indicted. He thought of DeLay but he's also been indicted. He thought of Frist, but Frist is being investigated by the SEC. He thought of Senator Pat Roberts but he's been caught withholding documents. He thought of Larry Franklin but he's in legal trouble too. He thought of Cheney but Cheney's thinks he's ruler of the universe. He thought of John Bolton but Bolton thinks he's ruler of North Korea. He thought of Condi but she's too busy buying shoes in New York. He thought of Karen Hughes but he doesn't want the staff walking around in burkas. He thought of Mary Matalin but he couldn't stand the thought of James Carville snickering on CNN. He thought of Scalia but he's out duckhunting with Cheney. He thought of Alberto Gonzales but realized that would remind everyone of Abu Ghraib and those torture memos and well never mind (boy, was Laura mad at him about that). He thought of Rumsfeld but worried he might lose young staffers to the gulags if they asked Rumsfeld any questions that weren't already scripted. He thought of McClellan but he's all tied in knots trying to explain to the press that he didn't really lie to them, not really, technically no, that he answered already, sort of, maybe, hard to tell actually. At the end of the day, Bush even started to ask Laura but she started laughing hysterically and he decided he better not ask what that was about.

FLASH. BULLETIN FROM FAUX NEWS: The latest word on the search for a White House ethics teacher is that Bush has finally decided on former FEMA Director Michael Brown who will start next week. or the week after next. or maybe in February, after he gets back from dinner, or maybe after he gets a new suit from Nordstrom, and stops by an Arabian Horse Farm to do whatever it is he does and then gets his suit cleaned and finishes reading a book or two on ethics, if he can find them, which should be sometime soon anyway. We think Bush is a genuis.

Posted by: Punctillo at November 6, 2005 03:13 AM